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- True Will To Wealth
True Will To Wealth
Wealth Comes Easily
True Will To Wealth

Achieving wealth is what many seek.
But many do not understand that you will never achieve it unless you live out your true will.
To find your purpose is infinitely more important and I’ll tell you why.
Throughout my life.
I have noticed patterns.
I have witnessed many things.
There has always been an underlying feeling even since I was young that I was headed somewhere big.
There have been many patterns throughout my life that have guided my decisions.
I have always been rebellious.
I always despised authority figures.
I always had to learn for myself.
I didn’t trust the world.
The world that they try so hard to make us believe in.
The false world.
The illusion.
It was fate that you’d find this article one day.
Every decision.
Every choice you have made led you here.
I believe Earth is a testing ground.
The whole point of this “experiment” we call life is to test you.
Behind the scenes what type of person are you?
Every day you wake up, you make a choice.
Do you choose to neglect the things that you must do?
Do you allow the distractions to make you stray on your path?
The phone.
The family obligations.
Societies pressure.
To make you crumble beneath its feet?
Ever since you were young, there have been patterns throughout your life guiding you.
Let’s speak about time for a second.
Every moment.
Every experience we have.
Is a reflection of the future sent backwards.
There’s a reason you are stuck.
Your future self right now is in misery.
Because of the choices you make.
You choose to scroll mindlessly on your phone, your wife/husband just left you in the future.
You choose to eat a horrible diet.
Your future self just developed illness.
You choose to watch porn, you die a lonely death.
Every choice you make is damaging your future self.
To seek pleasure of the flesh.
Is a life not worth living.
You must find and actively seek your purpose.
Your mission in life.
Where do we begin?
You must have patterns of intuition within your memories.
I want you to stop killing your future self and save it.
Your top priority right now is to become the main character of your life and live out your true will.
Start saying No when people ask you to do things that you know are bad for yourself.
Do not become an NPC.
Imagine constantly playing a video game and never finishing it.
My Experience
Speaking of video games, I used to be an addict.
I have spent probably 20,000 hours of my life on them.
For what?
I was asleep.
I wasn’t ready for the world.
I was too comfy.
I was alone.
I had no brothers.
No wife.
I had a constant dopaminergic surge within my brain which controlled my actions.
I could only think about my stupid game.
At the end of 2020.
I decided to take a leap of faith.
I quit playing video games forever.
This is the new year.
“New me.”
I had created a new identity.
“All real change is identity change.”
Like a video game I clicked a brand new character but in life.
I started back at zero, wasted who knows…
10+ years of my life on them?
I lived at my parents house.
I got out.
And fast.
“New year, new me.”
2024 is the year of the dragon.
And it’s time to breathe fire into our lives.
You have the power within you.
Look at your past.
There are patterns of intuition.
Everyone knows what they must do and work towards it.
We must get rid of the distractions first.
No more scrolling, turn your phone on airplane mode.
Sit there and think.
Process your life.
There are many patterns.
Me? I always knew I’d become something great.
I always knew I’d be a writer.
I always knew sales were natural to me.
I always knew marketing was natural for me.
When I look back at my past it allows me to take action now.
I am building my future from the ground up.
Looking at our past, we have all the keys we need to take action now to save our future self.
To become great.
To live out our max potential in life we must do one thing.
Make a choice.
You make many choices daily.
There’s only so much time in a day.
You must have a sense of urgency.
Don’t end up like me starting far too late.
I have decided to save the main character.
My future self, from poverty.
I have the power within me to create massive change in the world.
My future self has responsibilities, people rely on me.
I must take action now to save those people.
I hope now you are inspired to take action in your life.
Here's some actionable advice:
The first step is this.
Create a vision for your life.
Look back at your past and figure out the intuitive insights you’ve always had.
Everyone knows what they must do.
You must find the direction your future self is taking you.
You must have fun while doing it.
You know you are on the right path if you have fun doing it.
By fun, I don’t mean measly fleshly pleasures like drinking and smoking weed.
That is a, dopaminergic addiction.
Give it up or suffer endlessly.
Research dopamine.
Research psychology.
Research diet.
Research magnesium glycinate.
You must curate your environment to maximize all potential.
Clean your damn room, your house.
The distraction and clutter in your life and your mind is exactly what’s holding you back from finding your true self.
Go on a walk, a 9 mile walk alone, with no phone and you will figure it out.
If you don’t make a choice starting now, you will be swallowed by 2024 before you know it.
Your wife leaves you.
You die of illness.
You will regret every choice you have made before this.
Research delayed gratification.
It hurts now, but will save your life.
Wealth is actively living out your true will.
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